A Decision by the DPC concerning a Subject Access Request to a telecommunications service provider​
A Decision by the DPC concerning a Subject Access Request to a telecommunications service provider This is a decision issued by the DPC in April 2020 concerning a Data Subject Access Request (SAR) made to a telecommunications service provider in 2016. The data subject’s details have been redacted and they have requested that this decision […]
The Subject Access Request process: how it should work
The Subject Access Request process: how it should work As a data subject you have the right to ask for information from an organisation about whether or not it holds any personal data which concerns you. If the organisation does hold personal data concerning you then you have the right to access that data, be […]
C-19-8-448 Subject Access Request to the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection​
C-19-8-448 Subject Access Request to the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection Synopsis: This page tracks the correspondence involved in what should have been a straightforward data subject access request, which the data controller refused to comply with, which in turn led to multiple interactions with the Data Protection Commission and remains unresolved at […]